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Decent Panini

10 Chicken Sandwiches

Kyle lists 10 chicken sandwiches and you'll never guess which one he didn't eat!

Facebook feeds all over the world have been overtaken by an irritating viral trend of naming 10 bands you’ve seen live and expecting your idiot friends to guess which one is a lie. Naturally we (I) here at Decent Panini had to get in on the fun. That being said, we’re proud to present “10 Chicken Sandwiches and I Ate All of Them”.

  1. Wendy’s Spicy Chicken
  2. Checkers (in Gainesville, FL on the way back to the Holiday Inn)
  3. Bojangles
  4. The KFC Double Down
  5. Every buffalo chicken sandwich I’ve ever seen on any menu when I’m hungover
  6. That gross but kind of satisfying chicken patty from my high school cafeteria
  7. McDonald’s
  8. The long one at Burger King
  9. The not long one at Burger King
  10. One that had an fried egg on it which seemed a little sadistic but tasted amazing

Ate this one too.


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