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Friskie Morris First Round's On Me

Drinks at Star Lounge with the FED UP Fest Collective

Fed Up Fest is more than just a music festival; it's a place where community is built and fostered.

E, Monkey, and Taylor are three members of the collective that organizes FED Up Fest – a Chicago based music festival spanning three days in late July with an emphasis on queer, trans, gender non-conforming, intersex, and minority people in punk and hardcore scenes.

We talked about their individual stories finding punk and getting involved with the collective, the pros/cons of organizing an event with ten people, and scratching the surface on the question “where is the line?” when it comes to putting on an event for Chicago’s LGBTQ and minority communities and at the same time making the event open to everyone.

Discover punk, ska and hardcore music in this weekly multi-format program highlighting the local Chicago scene and beyond. Visit Website

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