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Jessica Masino Drass on Punk-Informed Art Therapy

Host Jason Schreurs and artist, researcher and therapist Jessica Masino Drass discuss how she uses the tenets of Punk Rock to inform the art therapy she uses with women who have trauma histories. She explains how “Punk Rock” concepts such as deconstruction/reconstruction and individualism/authenticity can be used as creative expression and healing.

Scream Therapy ยท Episode 49: Jessica Masino Drass on punk-informed art therapy

Featured song clips:
Tilt – “Past the Point” from ‘Til It Kills (Fat Wreck Chords, 1995)
L7 – “Everglade” from Bricks Are Heavy (Slash Records, 1992)

Scream Therapy is a podcast that explores the link between Punk Rock and mental health hosted by Jason Schreurs. Guests include members of the underground music scene living with mental health challenges. Visit Website

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