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Scream Therapy: Ellen Forney of Rock Steady Graphic Novel & Mental Health Coaching

Host Jason Schreurs has graphic artist and mental health coach Ellen Forney on the podcast to talk about mental health plans and her own history living with bipolar. Ellen’s graphic novels, Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me, and Rock Steady: Brilliant Advice From My Bipolar Life, have proven to be incredibly useful for many people’s mental health journeys.

Scream Therapy ยท Episode 32: Ellen Forney of Rock Steady graphic novel and coaching on mental health plans
Featured songs:
The Gits – “Second Skin” from Frenching the Bully (C/Z Records, 1992)
The DT’s – “Freedom” from Freedom 7″ (Get Hip Recordings, 2010)

Scream Therapy is a podcast that explores the link between Punk Rock and mental health hosted by Jason Schreurs. Guests include members of the underground music scene living with mental health challenges. Visit Website

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