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Scream Therapy: Neal Page of Panic Problem on ADHD & Katie Zaccardi of Out to Be Coaching/Podcast

Scream Therapy podcast host Jason Schreurs brings two guests on the show.

Neal Page is the guitarist/vocalist of Panic Problem, a Baltimore, Maryland Pop Punk band. Neal lives with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). He has found a way to balance his symptoms with a family life and being part of the Punk scene, two things he values most in the world.

Katie Zaccardi is a wellness coach and podcast host who focuses on musicians and their health, mental and physical. Her coaching company and accompanying podcast is called Out to Be and Katie and her guests share their wealth of knowledge about mental health.


Scream Therapy ยท Episode 15: Neal Page of Panic Problem on ADHD & Katie Zaccardi of Out to Be coaching/podcast

Scream Therapy is a podcast that explores the link between Punk Rock and mental health hosted by Jason Schreurs. Guests include members of the underground music scene living with mental health challenges. Visit Website

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