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Record Review

Sidewalk Furniture – Reimagined Thrill

Do you want to hear a song about being invaded by the Galactic Empire and shooting stormtroopers in the face? Of course you do

Sidewalk Furniture

Reimagined Thrill

April 15, 2020

The first thing I thought when I listened to Reimagined Thrill was, “How have I not heard of this album sooner?” The music is catchy, the lyrics are well-written, and the band – Sidewalk Furniture – writes about things like shooting stormtroopers in the face and not wanting to die the death of a lowly red shirt. As soon as the album was finished, I started it over so I could hear it all again.

Musically, the formula is simple – muted power chords on guitar, matching bass with some fills, drums that alternate between light and heavy. But formula can be used to meet whatever needs a song has. They have some upbeat Punk stuff, a song whose chorus verges on Metal, and even some stuff that comes close to surf sounding. Each song is unique in presentation, but they’re all undeniably the same voice and aesthetic.

Speaking of voice and aesthetic, the songs “Jadzia,” “Stormtrooper,” “Oh, Nancy,”Holtzman,” and “Red Shirt Death” are all wonderful tributes to fandom and nerd culture. Unique and often wonderful point of view pieces set inside the worlds of Star Trek, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, and Stranger Things. You will be charmed, you will laugh, you will feel real feelings.

The songs that step outside of the nerd aesthetic to talk about life, love, and politics are also incredible. “Anarchist EMT” is one of my favorite tracks on the album. You’ll want to shout along, “Fuck ancaps, fuck mancoms! Fuck tankies and fuck smoke bombs! Fuck drones and loans and pepper spray! You know what? Fuck the USA!”

This album is great for anyone looking for catchy tunes, nerdy themes, and charming delivery. I recommend listening to it with your D&D group while fighting your campaign’s final boss, or while designing an elaborate network of smugglers and scoundrels to arm Ewoks and start an insurrection on Endor.

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