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The Centaurettes Releases New Single “Trust Fund Tree”

St. Louis’ The Centaurettes has released a new single entitled “Trust Fund Tree.” The band is the passion project of Bionca Maldonado, Derek Hibbard, and Daniel L. Jackson. All three of them are vocalists for the band and represent diversity seldom seen in Rock music today. With three queer and two people of color members, that diversity helps to create something that is truly original.

Vocalist Bionca Maldonado had the following to say about the new single:

“‘Trust Fund Tree’ is an ode to putting yourself first, even when it hurts. It recalls my youth of being trapped by controlling family and crushing expectations dangled on strings of generational wealth. I chose to break away and carve a path of my own happiness, even though it meant stripping myself of every hand-out that comes along with the blood-money-funded cookie-cutter lifestyle. It reminds me that I fight for passion, self-expression and freedom over capitalist convenience.”

Stream “Trust Fund Tree” below and keep checking back for more from The Centaurettes.

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