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Show Review

Pitchfork Day 3 – Lauryn Hill, Chaka Khan, Kweku Collins, & More

Pitchfork Day 3 began with Chicago’s very own Nnamdi Ogbonnya. Next up was a free jazz band Irrversible Entanglements. More

Photo: Angela Romano

Pitchfork Day 3 began with Chicago’s very own Nnamdi Ogbonnya. Next up was a free jazz band Irrversible Entanglements. More Chicago natives Kweku Collins and Ravyn Lanae took the stage with fans singing along with pride for their city.

The next few sets went by quickly as I bounced from one stage to the next. I was happy to be able to catch a few photos of Smino, Alex Cameron, DRAM, and Alex G.

The incredible Chaka Khan stopped to say hello to family and friends on the side of the stage before gracing us with her perfect smile. I’m not entirely sure how long it has been since she played a hometown show, but you could feel the love radiating off of the stage.

Lauryn Hill was 25 mins late to her set, but she came prepared with a DJ hypeman to get the crowd ready. It was an honor to photographer such a stunning icon of the hip hop community.

I would like to thank you to Pitchfork Music Festival for allowing me to capture such a wide range of serious talent. I spent most of my time surrounded by fellow photographers standing in photo pits and lines but it was an experience I will never forget. Hope to see you a=again next year!

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