Last Monday, May 22nd, The Murder City Devils played in Chicago at Pilsen’s iconic Thalia Hall. They brought along Washington comrade Corey J Brewer and Minneapolis’ Buildings to warm up the crowd. While Corey sung over dreamy synth loops, Buildings offered up a grunge infused wall of sound and as they played their respective sets, the crowd began to trickle into the large venue.
Murder City walked out to boisterous applause and wasted no time jumping into their set list which contained a mix of classic, fan favorites (basically anything off In Name and Blood) and newer tracks off their latest release, The White Ghost Has Blood on Its Hands Again. The five piece played with the precision of a band with their experience, but with the energy of those twenty years their junior. The night climaxed when Spencer stepped offstage and down into the audience. He stumbled through the eye of the crowd, fell to his knees, and began to crawl. Cell phone lights flashed and beers flew through the air as the once tranquil crowd lost it. And suddenly, the song ended. Spencer was crowd surfed back onstage. A final and short song was played and then they were gone. The house lights and music were turned on. There would be no encore, which I thought was perfect. The set and band left the crowd as it should have, wanting more.
- Corey J Brewer
- Corey J Brewer
- Corey J Brewer
- Corey J Brewer
- Corey J Brewer
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Buildings
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
- Murder City Devils
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