Last month, Brooklyn’s Giant Peach hit the road on a tour that took them from the East Coast into the Midwest and back. During this time, they were kind enough to keep a tour diary of thoughts, events, musings, and more to share with us here at Bad Copy. Check out the second installment below by guitarist Mike Naideau and check out Chapter 1 here!
Ate at a very crappy jukebox themed diner where the Greek salad dressing was creamy and thick. We bought honey from an old man at a “farm stand” on the diner parking lot who couldn’t figure out how to use the credit card machine so we paid cash. Made our way to Baltimore and went to the Visionary Art Museum. It made me want to do DMT. Seemed to stimulate and inspire us all quite a bit. Chris commented that there really was something in there that resonated with each of us, which is so true. We’re a bunch of out-there art loving freaks. Afterwards we splurged on a proper Maryland-style steamed crab feast on the water. Mussels, clams, corn, Old Bay and Miller Lite. A dozen crabs for $40, that was the deal of the day. The rain cleared up and we all enjoyed going at these crabs with our little hammers.

Post-rain sun – Baltimore, MD
Upon arrival at Joe Squared we hit it off with Erik immediately. Friend of Sam, Dan, Josh, Brendon… Jason Molina came up in conversation immediately somehow. It’s a unique blissful experience when tour feels continuous, when energies align. Brendon Moses showed up early right when we got to the venue to say “Hi.” He’s been living in DC for a while now but happened to be in town today covering a shift at a bar for a friend. I’m so glad to have stayed in touch with him over the years ever since I booked him a show on Long Island in my parents’ garage years ago. It’s fortunate how DIY music can facilitate meeting people in these contexts. You can begin as a fan and become a friend. Jason Anderson has a good song about it. Anyway, when he’s not touring the world, he’s now counseling kids trying to get into college and working on historical window restoration. Couldn’t stay for the show but sprinkled some real positive energy throughout the space. I’m so appreciative of this network in my life.
I’ve been hearing a lot about this band Mess and damn, they were so good! Super unique, well-developed songs from the brains of total music-heads. I guess I’m one too. Maybe explains the connection. The show as a whole was a really nice glimpse into a current Baltimore scene. Sold a shirt to a kid who has been listening to Callous & Strange, our very old 7”. Closed up the bar drinking whiskey with the bartender as we walked down Bright Eyes memory lane together. Erik played us all some really nice records and made us fancy cocktails from the liquor leftover from his girlfriend’s recent birthday party as I laid on the floor in my sleeping bag. Made some coffee the next morning and photographed some flies in the backyard before we ate at the local industrial-chic dining hall and then headed on to Pittsburgh.

Erik’s Backyard – Baltimore, MD
Spirits are high, as are health levels. Luke is catching up on six years of lost sleep in the back seat of the van when he’s not driving. I can tell that Chris is in a great head space to enjoy traveling right now, and we’ve been occupying our time well. Pacing is important, as is an appreciation for the ability to have this experience and these consecutive days together full of impulsive choices and surprises. Frances has been lit up like a light ever since the sickness that dunked her underwater for 24 hours ran its course because it saw our day off as it’s opportunity to pounce and took it. Have to love living.
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