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Wizard Tattoo Releases Debut Self-Titled EP

Indianapolis, IN’s Wizard Tattoo, a Rock band by multi-instrumentalist Bram the Bard, has released their debut EP. The self-titled album tells the story of a man who starts hearing a dark voice shortly after getting a tattoo. Throughout the four tracks, listen to his musical journey of delusion – is he really becoming a wizard or is he just going mad?

Bram the Bard had the following to say about the release:

“Wizard Tattoo is a culmination of influences from classic rock to doom metal. It takes two played-out concepts ‘tattoos of wizards’ and bands with the name ‘Wizard’ in their name and mashes them together. It’s meant to be tongue-in-cheek but came about from a midlife crisis that I went through during the pandemic. I think everyone gets to a certain point in their life where they evaluate their accomplishments, choices, and their very existence. Some people push through and keep going, and others end up self-destructing. Unfortunately, our protagonist in the EP chooses the latter and goes off the deep end. It’s a journey, and I hope everyone comes along for the ride!”

Stream the new four-song EP in full below and purchase a digital copy here!

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