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Radio Unfriendly Podcast – Episode One – The Inaugural Episode

The Radio Unfriendly podcast is a music podcast with discussions, interviews, and music from bands you are unlikely to hear on mainstream radio. It is hosted by Scott Shipp and Steve Long, a pair of former bandmates divided by thousands of miles apart that decided to start a music podcast so that they could introduce each other to music that they wanted each other to hear and think you should listen to them too!

On this inaugural episode of Radio Unfriendly, Scott and Steve talk about their own personal band histories, their favorite bands, some memorable concerts, and more gibberish!

Bands featured on this episode were Otisburg, Finale, Scrunchies, The Bruce Lee Band, and Dead Years.

Check out the episode below:

Radio Unfriendly is a music podcast hosted by Scott and Steve with interviews, news, and music from bands that you are unlikely to hear on the radio. Visit Website

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