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“First” Time Fest Band Exclusive: To Forget

It’s almost that time of year again, where thousands upon thousands of black t-shirt and jorts wearing music fans will descend upon Gainesville, FL in hopes of seeing their favorite bands and drinking just enough to not remember seeing anything all. While there are hundreds of well-known names on the Fest schedule this year, we wanted to showcase a handful of the bands who are heading down to Florida and playing for the very first time. So keep reading, check out all the bands in this series, and get to know some really great under the radar talent!

Next up is To Forget from Charleston, SC. While the band actually played their first Fest last year, they made it onto the Fest Freshman roster and, since we didn’t get a chance to talk to them last year, we figured what the hell, right? The band is currently on tour on their way down to Fest right now!

Last month, To Forget released two brand new tracks. Stream those below and catch them this weekend when they will be playing How Bazar on Saturday, October 28th at 3:00PM.

Kendra Sheetz

How long has the band been playing music together?

To Forget started back in the winter of 2017. We played an EP release/tour kickoff/first show on 3/2/17 and have been rolling ever since.

Kendra Sheetz

Last year was technically your first year at Fest, even though you ended up on the freshman roster again this year. What was your first year playing like last year?

Our experience playing Fest last year was awesome. It was a blast to be a part of it, and it’s really great to see some old friends that we don’t get to see often. We played at How Bazar midday on Saturday last year, and we shall be doing it again this year. My favorite part about Fest is the freedom of it all. Everyone creates their own experience. The sound of drums and overdriven guitars filling the streets of Gainesville stirs a feeling like no other.

Kendra Sheetz

What are you most stoked for during Fest weekend?

This year I feel like we’re most excited for the bill Saturday night at Vivid. Gillian Carter, Jeromes Dream, Saetia, and Gel. Also Zeta, always a pleasure to see them.

Kendra Sheetz

What’s your very best tour story?

One time on our first tour, some old friends of Joe’s helped us out with a place to crash in this office of a high-rise building in downtown Boston where they worked. We brought all of our gear up an elevator at like 1am, had some snacks in the kitchen, hung out in the penthouse overlooking Fenway, and slept in some bean bag chairs in the conference room. The next morning we’re waking up to people in suits and ties with briefcases coming into work, all probably wondering why a bunch of sweaty dudes are spread out in their office. The confused faces we saw on that walk to the elevator were quite memorable, but needless to say, that was pretty tight.

Kendra Sheetz

Let’s say you’re booking the lineup of a festival that represents you as an artist/band. What would the top 5 headliners be?

1.) Russian Circles
2.) Daïtro
3.) Unwound
4.) Loma Prieta
5.) Slint

Kendra Sheetz

What does the band have coming up?

We’re touring down to Fest next week with Phantom Bay from Germany. We’ll start in Richmond, VA and work our way down to Tampa, then back up to Gainesville for the weekend. We also just released a new 7″ lathe and we’ll have a few copies of that on the road with us.

The remaining tour dates are:
10/25 – Charleston, SC @ Frontier Lounge
10/26 – Tampa, FL @ Hooch & Hive
10/28 – Gainesville, FL @ FEST 21
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