It’s almost that time of year again, where thousands upon thousands of black t-shirt and jorts wearing music fans will descend upon Gainesville, FL in hopes of seeing their favorite bands and drinking just enough to not remember seeing anything all. While there are hundreds of well-known names on the Fest schedule this year, we wanted to showcase a handful of the bands who are heading down to Florida and playing for the very first time. So keep reading, check out all the bands in this series, and get to know some really great under the radar talent!
Next up is Vicious Dreams from Orlando, FL. We chatted with them about how the trio consists of Fest veterans, although the band has never played before, a weird tour story out of Wisconsin, and what they’re looking forward to most this weekend. Stream Vicious Dreams’ self-titled LP below and make sure to catch them when they play Loosey’s this weekend on Saturday, October 28th at 5:30PM!

We have been playing music together since 2015! We’ve gone through a few band lineups but are enjoying our final form as a three-piece.

Outside of the band, have you personally attended Fest before?

Andrew and James are huge Festers and have been going since some of the very earliest years.

What are you most stoked for during Fest weekend?

SUCH a hard question but we are all thrilled to see Gorilla Biscuits! All the delicious vegan food! Pool hangs! Everything is going to be so fun.

What’s your very best tour story?

One time we went to trampoline gym on tour in Wisconsin and one of us (not naming any names…) went a little too hard playing trampoline dodgeball against some 10 year olds and rolled his ankle! He limped for the rest of tour… We party hard.

Let’s say you’re booking the lineup of a festival that represents you as an artist/band. What would the top 5 headliners be?

Wow. What a dream. Okay I’m going to pretend that we can choose anyone dead or alive so definitely the Ramones because they are a huge inspiration for me, personally and also the music we play and enjoy the most. I’d also say the Buzzcocks because they so beautifully perfected harmony and rock n roll and pop and just made the best catchy tunes. For a new band we’re obsessed with Amyl & the Sniffers and love the intensity they bring to the stage and that they have fun and go nuts. The Briefs because they’re song are so fun and catchy but so surprisingly involved and intricate, they have also have the best style! And finally the Descendents because Milo goes to College is one of our top favorite albums and the kill it live every single time and have truly perfected their craft.

What does the band have coming up?

Well besides Fest. we’ve got a lot of shows coming up through the end of 2023. And in BIG news, our 2nd full length Record should be coming out end of 2023/early 2024! We can’t wait to share that everyone. Hopefully we’ll have some small tours around then as well. We keep everything up to date on our Instagram if you’d like to follow along. Thanks!
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