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The Dreaded Laramie Releases Debut Album ‘Princess Feedback’

Photo: Maris Souza

Nashville femmecore rockers The Dreaded Laramie recently released their debut full-length Princess Feedback. With this album the band revels in claiming their own space in one of the last true bastions of straight white guy machismo – cock rock.

This approach allows them to deliver something unique on Princess Feedback; a breakup album like no other. One that subverts the traditional melancholy of heartache with strident hooks and repurposed machismo, all juxtaposed against singer/guitarist MC Cunningham’s striking emotional vulnerability. The band paired with Grammy-winning producer Dave Schiffman (PUP, Vampire Weekend, Bayside) for the full-length.

Cunningham shared the following about the new album:

“It’s about acknowledging and giving voice to so-called darker feelings and thoughts as a way of reckoning with them, befriending them, giving them kind of a space to be; in order to move through and past instead of repressing.”

The Dreaded Laramie are taking Princess Feedback to the American masses this summer on July dates with Pinksqueeze, and August dates with Teens In Trouble and Bat Boy. The band also recently announced that they are joining the lineup at this year’s FEST.

Stream the new album in full below and keep checking back for more from The Dreaded Laramie!

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