We’re only a few days away from the biggest punk fest that the US has to offer. The Fest in Gainesville starts at the end of this week (or Wednesday if you’re partying with us in Tampa at Pre-Fest). In preparation, we chatted with Jen from The Bombpops about this year’s must see list, gator meat, and all things Fest!
The Bombpops will be playing Pre-Fest at Crowbar on Wednesday, October 25th at 12:10AM and playing at the High Dive at Fest on Saturday, October 28th at 8:20PM.

How many years have you played or gone to Fest?

We’ve been to Fest twice and we played once back in 2010. So this will be our second time playing and our third year attending.

What is your favorite Fest memory?

Seeing None More Black at Fest in 2011 was for sure my favorite Fest memory. That shit was epic!

What is your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat either in Gainesville or in travelling to Fest?

Well, we always gotta eat the Gator when we can.

What bands are on your “To See” list this year?

The Lillingtons are at the top for me cause I’ve never seen them before. Then really looking forward to The Dopamines and Banner Pilot ’cause it’s been a few years since I’ve seen them.

Even though Fest does not fall on Halloween this year, will you be wearing a costume? If so, what?

We just spent four weeks in Europe and flew straight to Tampa. Didn’t even have time to think about Halloween costumes for Fest.

What cover sets are you stoked to see?

Red City Radio’s Clash cover set and Sic Waiting’s No Use for a Name.

Do you have a Fest tattoo?

I don’t have any tattoos, don’t think I’ll start at Fest.

Have you ever done a shoey?

Never done a shoey. But I’d LOVE to see someone to a Shoey out of Josh’s shoe.

How you prepare for getting and deal with having that terrible post-Fest Flu?

I always take Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 anytime I know I’m gonna be going hard. But after four weeks on tour in Europe, post Fest seems like the best time to get sick if it does happen! Just glad it wasn’t before.
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