Pro-Am writer. Quote unquote photographer. Professional curmudgeon. Half man, half nicotine and whiskey. You’re right, I do look exactly like your buddy Josh.
Hey Garrett Dale, 2017 was kinda horseshit too. Just sayin'.
'Member the days when everything was radical and you were young and full of hope. I 'member.
Not just a minty cigarette or a city in Orange County anymore!
Quick! Set yourself on fire and drink this 100 proof alcohol!
I screamed "I'm not fucking dead!" It was the first outright lie I told all weekend.
Oh no, anything but delicious Flaco's!
Tony Shrum and I also spent some time threatening each other with a make out session in Wyndham pool later.
I saw no bands. I have no idea what I did. Just three hours gone forever.
My experiment in on-the-go alcoholism was a success!
Kevin Rettie here to tell you about the Kirkland brand bands of Fest
"Don't be upset you didn't know that was from Kindergarten Cop..."
I don't know but today seems kinda odd, no barking from the dogs, no smog, and momma cooked a breakfast with no hog.