Today, we’re stoked beyond belief to be premiering a brand new music video from Edinburgh, Scotland’s Billy Liar. The song, entitled “The View From Here,” can be found on the June 2019 release Some Legacy (Red Scare Industries).
Billy had the following to say about the video:
“Since the song is a minute and a half punk rock banger, we approached the video in much the same way. Shot in almost one take on location in London by the wonderful Mark Richards and starring Robin Guy on kitchen utensils.”
Watch the video for “The View From Here” now:
We also sat down with Billy Liar and chatted about his upcoming tour with Tightwire and The Bombpops. Check out our questions, his answers, and the full tour schedule below!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Due to the escalation of COVID-19, the tour has been postponed. We will update you with new dates and more Billy Liar info as soon as we can. Stay safe everyone!

You’re about to head out on a tour covering parts of the US and Canada. Are there any cities you’re playing this round that you haven’t played before? Any that you want to hit up next time?

I am indeed. Mmmmmmminneapolis, Madison, Cleveland, AND all the dates in Canada (London, Toronto, and Montreal), as I’ve not made it to Canada yet. Can’t wait. Especially excited as two out of three of the Canadian dates have already sold out.
America-wise, I’ve not made it to the West Coast yet so I’m keen to make it over there this year if possible.

Are there any sites that you’re excited to see when you’re on this run?

I always like to ask new pals at the shows what we should check out, and what the best thing to do in town after the show is That usually comes up with pretty amazing results.
A few years ago, I did a tour of the States we called the Spooky Bullshit Tour around Fest at Halloween, and we went to a whole load of haunted locations. Maybe I should do something like that again this time. I FUCKING LOVE SPOOKY BULLSHIT.

Wisconsin is known for cheese curds. Chicago has hot dogs and deep dish pizza. Canada has poutine. Is there a food that Scotland or Edinburgh is known for?

Absolutely. We have something called Haggis, which is actually pretty fucked. I’m vegan now (yeah, yeah, I know), but I enjoy vegan haggis. It’s better. Oh and we deep fry pizza and call it Pizza Crunch. It snaps like a good ol’ plank of wood.

The flight from Scotland to the US is pretty much the length of a full work day. What kinds of things do you do to occupy yourself on long flights?

I can’t stop listening to ‘My Favourite Murder’ at the moment. It’s a fantastic podcast if you haven’t heard it. Also, shout-outs to ‘Unsung,’ which is a great music podcast from Scotland, and ‘Trick Or Tea,’ which is SPOOKY AS FUCK!!

Tell us your weirdest tour story to date.

There could be the time I accidentally got Gail The Snail (from ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’) thrown out of a bar and bumped into Henry Rollins in the same day, OR received a cease and desist from David Hasselhoff. But then I feel like I’d just be dropping names.
So what about the time I was touring with Little Teeth last year and a wheel came flying off our van while we were hurtling down the Autobahn in Germany to get to a show in Berlin?
Tour Dates
Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 |
Minneapolis, MN | 7th St. Entry w/ The Bombpops & Tightwire |
Friday, Mar 20, 2020 |
Madison, WI | BarleyPop Live w/ The Bombpops & Tightwire |
Saturday, Mar 21, 2020 |
Chicago, IL | Reggie’s w/ The Bombpops & Tightwire |
Sunday, Mar 22, 2020 |
Cleveland, OH | Beachland w/ The Bombpops & Tightwire |
Tuesday, Mar 24, 2020 |
Detroit, MI | Loving Touch w/ The Bombpops & Tightwire |
Wednesday, Mar 25, 2020 |
London, ON | Call The Office w/ The Bombpops & Tightwire |
Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 |
Toronto, ON | Bovine w/ The Bombpops & Tightwire |
Friday, Mar 27, 2020 |
Montreal, QC | Turbo Haus w/ The Bombpops & Tightwire |
Wednesday, Apr 15, 2020 |
Edinburgh, UK | La Belle Angele - w/ The Toy Dolls |
Thursday, Apr 23, 2020 |
Glasgow, UK | Stereo w/ Red City Radio & Good Friend |
Friday, May 1, 2020 |
Newcastle, UK | The Cluny |
Saturday, May 2, 2020 |
Manchester, UK | Star & Garter |
Friday, Jun 12, 2020 |
Hamburg, Germany | Booze Cruise Festival |
Saturday, Jun 13, 2020 |
Hamburg, Germany | Booze Cruise Festival |
Sunday, Jun 14, 2020 |
Hamburg, Germany | Booze Cruise Festival |
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