We’re mere days away from the biggest punk fest that the US has to offer. The Fest in Gainesville starts at the end of this week (or Wednesday if you’re partying with us in Tampa at Pre-Fest). In preparation, we chatted with Western Addiction‘s Chad Williams about past sets, the best bands to see, and shares some wisdom on how to handle the dreaded Fest Flu.
Western Addiction will be playing Pre-Fest at Crowbar on Thursday, October 26th at 3:30PM and playing at the High Dive at Fest on Saturday, October 28th at 4:00PM.

How many years have you played or gone to Fest?

I’ve been to Fest four times, but this is the first time playing.

What is your favorite Fest memory?

If they played, the highlight was always D4’s set. I think the biggest highlight for me was a Dead To Me secret show where they played in the middle of the crowd. That was 2009.

What is your favorite restaurant/type of food to eat either in Gainesville or in traveling to Fest?

Some southern barbecue is always good. People love the Reggae Shack, but I’d advise against that. That level of spice in your gut over the weekend, mixing with all the cheap beer, maybe isn’t the best idea.

What bands are on your “To See” list this year?

Iron Reagan, Career Suicide, Against Me!, The Lillingtons, Tim Barry.

Even though Fest does not fall on Halloween this year, will you be wearing a costume? If so, what?

If not having beards or cut-off jean shorts counts, then yes, we’re wearing costumes. The best costume I ever saw was Richard from New Mexican Disaster Squad/ No Friends/ None More Black dressed as Rollie Fingers, complete with perfect baseball uniform and incredible curly mustache.

What cover sets are you stoked to see?

Is there really going to be a Third Eye Blind cover set? That’s embarrassing. This mixing of ’90s alternative and punk rock is unsettling. I’d check the Stones cover set.

Do you have a Fest tattoo?

Um, no. Is that something that happens late at night after everyone’s hopped up on D-eu4ia?

Have you ever done a shoey?

If that means drinking out of a shoe, then no. And no thanks, I’ll pass.

How you prepare for getting and deal with having that terrible post-Fest Flu?

You mean Festaids? FeSTDs? Prevent it with some solid sack time, eating some healthy food, mixing in water between PBRs, and no sharing of coozies. If you get it, you’re screwed. You just have a miserable flight home and week long recovery. But have fun!
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