Separate from his main gig with The Love Songs, Craigums (and sometimes his friends) recreate songs that have no business being recreated.
"You'll dance to anything." - Dead Milkmen
Thou shalt not mock rock.
Alan, Joe, and Annie... should I call it a Superpoop? Or maybe a Poopergroup?
A gentle entry into the mild annals of the soft rock canon. (aka Song for mom)
My dad passed away this week and, spoiler alert, it hella sucks.
"It was a great place to grow up in and move out of." - one of the Wright brothers, paraphrased.
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Matty Luv?
Squeezing out more TV hits.
Mr. Robinson, Mr. Robinson... what a horrible mess!
Just a couple of Johns getting the business.
An SNFU cover by SNFU fans for a post-SNFU world.