When we walked into this secret show, the first thing we saw were motorcycles sectioned off by caution tape. Inside, there more motorcycles and to the right of them was a stage. Shows at this spot are very rare. But every time they happen, it’s always a banger. For a night, the entire shop is put on hold and turned upside down into a venue and the only way to get any other details is to “ask a punk.”
This show was the second for the Horror Squad and Tracy Soto weekender up in Northern California. The day before, both bands were in Sacramento and destroyed at The Colony. Ash Williams from San Diego was joining us for the party as well, so this show was pretty stacked with amazing talent.
A bunch of us locals had been there early on in the day to set up things at the shop and make sure that, by the time the bands got there, we had a backline all ready to go. Teenage Sex is one of the most underrated bands in the Bay Area and I am really glad I get to talk about them for a second. These talented punks have been in bands forever and are making some really good music. They have a knack for melody while maintaining the raw aggressive feel of East Bay punk that we all know and love. Seriously, give ’em a listen if you get the chance.
Tacos were in full swing by the time Teenage Sex was done. And by the time the next band was finished, my friend Lindsey and I were already out of tacos. That next band was Ash Williams, and whoa boy, do they rip. The droning fast punk metal they make is dynamic and put everyone in a headbanging trance. It was awesome. It’s always awesome.
Horror Squad was next. They played a different set and were even more energized than the day before. The band got pretty much the whole room dancing and singing along. If you closed your eyes for a second, you might even think you were at a certain defunct venue in Pomona called VLHS.
Tracy Soto took the stage afterwards and continued that vibe, as members of Horror Squad were now singing their songs instead of vice versa. The catchy band had people that didn’t even know the songs yet singing “I’m not a cop” as they played their way through their title song.
The band I play in, Hammerbombs, closed out the night and well…it’s Hammerbombs. We were drunk. No idea how the set went. It happened, but none of us know if it was okay or not. Sorry, but not sorry.
The shop was a mess and we ended up doing most of the cleaning after the incredible pancake party we had the next day. You don’t know good pancakes if you haven’t eaten Rob Hammerbomb’s pancakes. Unlike the time he made them after midnight in Chino for some of the members of Horror Squad, (where he did not have his whole set up but they still turned out amazing) these pancakes were topnotch.
Another shop show come and gone. I can’t wait for the next one.
The amazing Eden took photos of this show as well! We are so lucky to have her and I am so glad she tagged along with Horror Squad and Tracy Soto for this weekend of shows. Enjoy her photos in a gallery below!
- Teenage Sex
- Teenage Sex
- Teenage Sex
- Teenage Sex
- Ash Williams
- Ash Williams
- Ash Williams
- Ash Williams
- Ash Williams
- Ash Williams
- Ash Williams
- Horror Squad
- Horror Squad
- Horror Squad
- Horror Squad
- Horror Squad
- Horror Squad
- Horror Squad
- Horror Squad
- Horror Squad
- Tracy Soto
- Tracy Soto
- Tracy Soto
- Tracy Soto
- Tracy Soto
- Tracy Soto
- Tracy Soto
- Tracy Soto
- Tracy Soto
- Hammerbombs
- Hammerbombs
- Hammerbombs
- Hammerbombs
- Hammerbombs
- Hammerbombs
- Hammerbombs
- Hammerbombs
- Pictured: Horror Squad, Tracy Soto + Posse, The Hammerbombs + Family, Brad from Teenage Sex, & Archie the dog Not Pictured: Me, Eden! But I was there and I still think about those pancakes
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